our over-the-top yard cards!
Cost includes all fees including delivery, set up and take down. Each card is desgined with the recipient in mind, along with the size of the yard and of course the occasion. We have a variety of ways to personalize the card and it’s all included in the price. We do NOT charge per letter, or for the fun flair you can add to your message.
Most often deliveries take place after dark or early in the morning, allowing the greeting to be a surprise for the recipient.
So glad you asked!
When possible notify neighbors who might get concerned seeing someone in sneaking around your yard. Sirens and flashing lights ruin even the best planned surprises. If ordering for someone else’s yard, let someone living at that address know what is happening when at all possible.
Doorbell Cameras ruin surprises too! Turn off volume/or any alerts someone might get warning of activity on your yard. It not only ruins the surprise but scares the begeebees out of us when a concerned homeowner comes out ready to protect their land! (Yes! It’s happened! He was armed and ready! It’s one reason we prefer early morning deliveries when possible!)
Close blinds and shutters on windows facing the front yard. Close them the night before for early morning deliveries.
Lighting for Night Deliveries: Please turn porch lights on. Lights ON inside the house are okay. It makes it harder to see outside. If they’re not already in bed It’s even better if you can distract by getting them into a basement or interior room during set up.
YARD PREPARATION: WATER. WATER. WATER. How hard the soil is determines how long it takes to set up. If it’s too hard it limits how many fun things we put in the yard.
Having moisture below the surface allows us to set up in about 30 minutes. When the ground is too hard it can take up to 2 hours! Especially during busy seasons, we’ll forgo pieces planned for your yard if the soil is too hard. We work on a tight schedule to ensure surprises can happen for everyone on the schedule so please, WATER, WATER, WATER!
A freshly mowed lawn is also nice too but not mandatory. (Please do NOT mow while the card is up)
Water grass before we arrive TURN OFF the SPRINKLER SYSTEMS between 6:00 am and until we return to pick up. We prefer to take our showers at the end of the shift.
REGARDING ANIMALS: Move barking pets to the interior part of the house so they don’t rat us out trying to protect their humans inside.
JUST AS IMPORTANT: We’re joy droppers not Pooper Scoopers. If you have animals or some who just visit from time to time, please walk your yard and take the time to clean up after them. We really appreciate it, but so will you when it’s time to take pictures!
We are often on hands and knees during install and are not willing to dance around land mines, nor will we put our cards near them. So, it impacts the design. Worst case scenario, we will cancel upon arrival if the yard needs cleaned up first and you’re not readily available to clean it.
We cannot set up in xeriscaped lawns. Our cards require a moist soil to work.
Do not move our signs. Setting up, taking down or moving signs should only be performed by a Grand Gestures associate unless otherwise agreed upon, in writing, by both parties. Should you need them down early, please call. We’ll skidaddle over as fast as we can!
Yes, we can! With enough notice and sometimes for an extra fee. Call for pricing.

Grand Gestures make for great photos and are magnets for selfies. We would love to see yours! Upload them to our social media @grandgesturesllc
Tag us when posting on your social media using #GrandGesturesLLC #GrandGesturesColorado.